Advanced Modeling and Control
Objectives of Plant Control
Process Control Roles and Plant Objectives
Process Constraints β why important?
PID Control Enhancement Strategies
Equipment Protection
Environmental Protection
Smooth Operation
These objectives are interrelated.
Accidents occur due to unsafe conditions and unsafe acts resulting from improper control.
Proper process control ensures safer conditions and along with safer acts, leads to safe and profitable operations.
A feed stream containing acidic and toxic solution is fed into a tank. A pump is placed underneath the tank.
Describe how an unsafe condition can arise from the operation.
What kind of accidents that can be triggered by the unsafe condition?
Applying Control to Liquid Levels:
Liquid Level Control:
Additional Benefits of Liquid Control:
Flash Tank Feed containing 20% water and 80% \ce{H2SO4}. Product must be at least 99% pure \ce{H2SO4}
Vent discharge should not be more than 1% \ce{H2SO4}, otherwise violates an environmental regulation.
Describe how can the vent discharge exceed 1% limit?
What damages can arise if the limit discharge is exceeded?
What is the implication of this violation on sustainability?
By controlling the \ce{H2SO4} mass fraction in the vapor using steam flow rate, it can ensure that the limit will not be violated during operation.
The question becomes, is this control strategy sufficient?
Do we need to address safety and equipment Protection issues?
Distillation Column is an important unit in many chemical plants.
Objective: To separate components based on differences in volatility, ensuring the desired purity of products.
Key Variables: Temperature, pressure, reflux ratio, and feed composition.
The column has several control objectives.
Can you identify which control loop is related to smooth operation?
Soft constraints
Hard constraints
Dealing with Process Constraints is important to prevent accidents, unnecessary process disruptions, and loss in profit.
Conventional PID controllers are NOT able to handle constraints.
Override Control Strategies are used to deal with constraints.
A control strategy that estimates (infers) unmeasured process variables based on other easily measurable variables and uses these estimates to maintain control of the process.
Some critical variables are difficult or expensive to measure directly (e.g., product composition, purity).
Uses Easily Measured Process Variables (e.g., Temperature, Pressure, Flow Rate)
A tray temperature used for inferential control should show strong sensitivity.
Tray 10 is more sensitive \Rightarrow change in % mol of propane clearly represented by T
Tray 18 is not sensitive to change in % mol of propane \Rightarrow change from 3.5% to 4% only leads to very small error signal in temperature
Larger error signal generated in temperature \Rightarrow more effective inferential T control of %mol of propane
Tray temperature for multicomponent distillation column as a function of the light key in the bottoms product for different ratios of heavy non-key to light non-key
Feed composition affects the composition-temperature correlation.
Tray temperature cannot represent the bottom composition well enough when feed composition heavily fluctuates
The inferential T controller is now a slave to the composition controller
Advantages: remove extra disturbances, e.g., feed flow rate and temperature disturbances
X_A C_{A_{in}} (-\Delta H_{rxn}) = \rho C_p (T_{out} - T_{in})
X_A = \frac{ \rho C_p }{ C_{A_{in}} (-\Delta H_{rxn}) } (T_{out} - T_{in})
X_A = a (T_{out} - T_{in}) + b
Equipment response is nonlinear to input changes
Can be effective When either a measured disturbance or, The controlled variable correlates with Nonlinear process changes
Tune the controller at different levels, scheduling parameters; and combine the results so that the controller tuning parameters vary over the full operating range.
A nonscheduled controller that was tuned for v = 7 ft/sec after the feed rate is changed to v = 4 ft/sec and a scheduled controller for the same upset.
Process are many times operated at the safety or equipment limits in order to maximize process throughput
During upset periods, it is essential that safety limits are enforced
Override/Select control uses LS and HS action to change which controller is applied to the manipulated variable.
Override/Select control uses selected action to switch between manipulated variables using the same control objective.
Increase Fp (process flow) will increase Q
βπ = πtube β πp
Tube temperature increase, it may violate maximum value, i.e. 500 C
ΞP proportional to vapor flow. Higher ΞP means higher vapor flow across the trays. Too high vapor flow leads to column flooding β non smooth operation occur. To avoid flooding, implement DPC with LS controller.
Under abnormal situation, e.g., sudden increase in feed rate, more steam is required. This can dramatically increase the vapor flow leading to flooding. DPC will prevent this from happening
DPC will be active if excessive vapor flow occurs under sudden increase in feed flow.
TC is used to protect the reboiler from excessively high temperature. Under abnormal situation, e.g., sudden drop in feed temperature, a lot of steam is required to maintain the bottom purity. This may lead to violation of maximum tube temperature. TC is used to prevent this from happening.
It is critical that excess oxygen is maintained during firing rate increases or decreases or CO will form.
When the firing rate is increased, the air flow rate will lead the fuel flow rate.
When the firing rate is decreased, the fuel flow rate will lead the air flow rate.
Air flow rate controller is based on equivalent fuel flow rate (fuel/air ratio).
Advanced Modeling and Control